P.S. 279
PTA Bylaws


The Parent Teacher Association of P.S. 279
May 2003

ARTICLE I The name of the association shall be:



To provide support and resources to the school that enhances the educational growth of our students.

To promote and support an interactive environment between parents, school and community.


To foster and support parent volunteerism and leadership in school governance, educational decision-making and all aspects of school life.

To provide parental representation and consultation on relevant educational issues.



Section 1 Membership-

1.1 All parents, legally appointed guardians, designated persons or persons in parental relation to students currently attending P.S. 279 and all staff with the exception of persons in supervisory positions.

1.2 A list of designated persons shall be on file with the PTA executive board. The list shall be maintained by the principal. The process for designation and participation eligibility is described in Chancellor's Regulation A-660. The period of designation shall be from July 1st &endash; June 30th and must be renewed each year.

1.3 Only parents, legally appointed guardians, designated persons and persons in parental relation to students currently attending P.S. 279 may vote to offer or withdraw membership to and from staff. Any such proposal requires an amendment to the bylaws as defined in Article X and shall become effective July 1 following ratification.

1.4 The amount of dues shall be requested as a contribution and established yearly by the recommendation of the executive board and approval of the membership at the May meeting. The membership committee shall advise parents and staff that payment of dues is not a requirement for membership and does not effect voting or running for office.

Section 2. Voting Privileges-

Each parent, legally appointed guardian, designated person or person in parental relation to a child currently attending P.S. 279, and each eligible staff member, shall be entitled to one vote regardless of the number of children they have attending the school.

Members deemed to have a conflict of interest as specified in these bylaws and the Policy and Regulations of the Chancellor shall not be permitted to vote on related issues.

Section 3. Notice to Parents-

At the beginning of the school year the association shall distribute a letter to all parents, guardians, designated persons, persons in parental relation to a student currently attending P.S. 279 and all eligible staff advising them of their rights and obligations as stated herein and encourage volunteer participation.


Section 1. Titles-


1st Vice President

2nd Vice President (optional)

3rd Vice President (optional)


Recording Secretary

Corresponding Secretary

Section 2. Term of Office-

The term of office shall be a one (1) year term beginning from July 1 through June 30.

There shall be no limit to the number of terms by which a member shall succeed her/himself in the same office.

Section 3. Qualifications-

Eligibility for office is limited to parents, legally appointed guardians and persons in parental relation to students currently attending P.S. 279 who are not employed in the school and have attended at least one (1) general meeting during the current school year.

Designated persons are ineligible to hold an elected office.

Eligibility for the offices of President, 1st Vice President and Treasurer is limited to current board members who have completed one (1) full year of satisfactory board service.

Section 4 Duties of Officers-


The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and shall be an ex-officio of all committees except the Election Monitoring Committee and the Audit Committee. He/she shall appoint all committee chairpersons with the approval of the executive board. The president shall be one of the signatories on checks. The president shall meet with the entire executive board monthly, at a minimum, and insure compliance with the bylaws. The president shall delegate responsibilities to other PTA members and shall encourage meaningful participation in all parent activities. The president or designee shall meet at least quarterly with the principal and the superintendent and consult on mandatory topics as defined in regulations. The president shall attend all regular meetings of the President's council and be a core member of the School Leadership Team. The president or his/her designee shall represent the PTA on district committees. The president shall be entitled to a monthly stipend of $100, this stipend is to commence in September and end in June of the same school year.

1st Vice President

The first vice-president shall assist the president and assume the duties of the president in his or her temporary absence or at the request of the president. If the president steps down or is removed from his/her position during the school year the vice president will assume the duties of the president for the remainder of the school year. If this vacancy occurs in the months preceding the term of president, the position should be awarded to person who was next in line for the position of presidency. The election committee based on the election process will determine this. He/she shall chair a major or standing committee; the 1st vice president shall be one of the signatories on checks.


2nd Vice President (optional)

The second vice president shall assist the president and the first vice-president. The 2nd vice president shall fill in the vacancy of first vice president following the same procedure indicated in the duties of president (Sec 4). The 2nd vice president shall chair a standing committee.

3rd Vice-President (optional)

The third vice-president shall assist the president, first vice-president and second vice-president. The 3rd vice president shall fill in the vacancy of 2nd vice president following the same procedure indicated in the duties of president (Sec 4). The 3rd vice president shall chair a standing committee.

Recording Secretary

The recording secretary shall maintain the official record of the proceedings and actions of all association meetings. The recording secretary shall prepare and read the minutes of each association meeting and shall make the minutes available upon request. The recording secretary shall maintain custody of the association's records. He/she shall prepare and maintain all sign-in sheets of association meetings. The recording secretary shall sign and incorporate all amendments into the bylaws and shall ensure that copies of the amended bylaws are on file in the principal's office and in the District Office. The recording secretary shall chair a standing committee.


Corresponding Secretary

The corresponding secretary shall record the mail received by the association and prepare responses as directed by the president. He/she shall prepare and distribute mailings as well as notices of all association meetings. He/she shall maintain all files, rosters, books, regulations, and logs of the association in the PTA office, and chair a standing committee. The secretary shall assist the treasurer with the June transfer of all PTA records to the incoming executive board. The correspondent secretary shall chair a standing committee.


The treasurer shall be responsible for the transaction of all association monies to the bank accounts of the association as set forth in these bylaws and all relevant regulations. He/she shall maintain and record, in the PTA office, all deposit slips with appropriate identification of funds as well as an updated record of income and expenditures. He/she shall provide financial reports at all association meetings. The treasurer shall be responsible for preparing and providing the January 31 interim and June annual accounting reports required by the Department of Education in accordance with the bylaws of the association.

The treasurer shall be one of the signatories on all checks. The treasurer shall not serve on the Audit committee. The treasurer shall prepare and assist the secretary with the June transfer of all PTA records to the incoming executive board. The Treasure shall chair a standing committee in accordance with these bylaws.


Section 5. Elections-

Election Monitoring Committee

The election monitoring committee shall consist of three to five (3-5) members to be elected by the membership at the March meeting. The majority must come from the membership. The election committee shall choose one of its members to serve as chairperson. No person employed in P.S. 279 shall be eligible to serve on the election committee.

Members of the election monitoring committee are not eligible to run for office. An eligible member of the committee may be considered as a candidate if she/he immediately resigns from the committee in writing.

The election committee shall seek out the membership in writing, in English and other languages as appropriate for recommendations of candidates for all positions. The election committee will also be responsible for conducting the election process. This includes the following:

Preparing and distributing all notices regarding this process in the applicable languages, where possible (i.e., meeting notices, agendas, reminder notices, tear-off applications, etc.)

Canvassing the membership for all eligible candidates and, determining and verifying the eligibility of all interested candidates. Reporting the names to date of those candidates during the April general meeting.

Ensuring that an opportunity is provided to all members allowing nominations to be taken from the floor during the April general meeting.

Officially closing the nomination process.


Reporting the names of all eligible candidates and the positions they are seeking, to the membership at least two (2) weeks prior to the May election.

Ensuring that only eligible members receive a ballot for voting.

Conducting the May election.

Slots for executive offices other than President, Treasurer and Recording Secretary may be left open, if so recommended by the election committee, after the May election meeting. This is to accommodate nominations and delegates from among parents of students in the incoming grades. In the following September, the election committee shall notify, in writing the general membership of these vacancies. At the first general meeting, the committee shall request nominations from the floor.

The committee shall notify the general membership, in written notification, of the slate immediately following the meeting so that the election may be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting. If no nominations are made from the floor at the September meeting the President can appoint someone to that position. The membership should made notified in writing of that appointment as soon as it is made. All regulations shall apply and the election committee shall maintain involvement until the elections are officially closed.


The notice and agenda for the April general meeting shall be distributed not less than ten (10) days prior to the date. It shall list the positions that nominations will be open for and eligibility requirements for office.

The notice and agenda for the May general meeting shall be distributed not less than ten (10) days prior to the date. It shall list all candidates, in alphabetical order, under the office for which they were nominated. The exact time the election will take place shall appear on the meeting notice.

Voting requirements-

Each parent, guardian, designated person or person in parental relation to a student currently attending P.S. 279 and staff member, with the exception of supervisory personnel, is entitled to one vote.

Election and use of ballots-

At the May general meeting the Election Committee shall be responsible for conducting the election.

Voting shall be by ballots prepared by the election committee. Names of candidates shall appear on the ballot, in alphabetical order, under the title for which they were nominated. Ballots shall be in English and any other languages as appropriate, where possible. Ballots shall be distributed following a member's signing the verification sheet. Ballots shall be counted immediately and in the presence of the members. Ballots shall be retained for six (6) months in the PTA office. If there shall be but one candidate for any or each office, by membership consent, the recording secretary shall cast one vote for that office or the entire slate.

Certification of Election-

When the final tally is complete or when a single vote is cast in an uncontested election, the chairperson of the Election monitoring committee shall announce the results of the election to the membership and state that those results are official. The chairperson shall notify the principal in writing of the results by May 31st. A notification should also be sent to the parent coordinator at the District Office.

Section 6. Installation of Officers-

Installation of officers shall take place at the June general meeting. The members should be introduced to all new members. .

A meeting between the incoming and outgoing officers shall be arranged, by June 30, for the transfer of records, inventory items, keys, membership cards and any items pertinent to the transaction of PTA business.


Section 7. Vacancies-

7.1 The first Vice-president shall fill a vacancy occurring in the office of the president.

Officers who wish to resign their positions once an election has been certified must do so in writing to the president. At that time, he/she shall turn over all records to the president.

Recommendation of the executive board and approval of the general membership shall fill any member-at-large vacancy. Nominations can be taken from the floor to fill any positions for members at-large.


Section 8 Conflict of Interest-

Any officer or member-at-large who has any direct or indirect interest in a business dealing with any matter pertaining to the school, community school district or Department of Education must withdraw from discussion and/or vote on such matter. Such interest must be disclosed and reflected in the minutes.

Any association member employed by the Department of Education may not serve as an elected officer if they are employed at P.S. 279 and have a child attending P.S. 279.

Any association member employed by the Department of Education at P.S. 279 is prohibited from serving as parent members on school governance and C-30 committees.


Section 1 Composition-

The Executive Board shall be composed of the elected officers and the members-at-large.

The Executive Board shall be composed of no less than five (5) and no more than fifteen (15) members.

A staff member, elected by the staff, shall be invited to attend executive board meetings as a non-voting liaison.

No persons employed by P.S. 279 shall be eligible to serve on the executive board.

Section 2. Responsibilities-

All executive board members must understand the objectives of the association, as well as their rights and responsibilities, as set forth in these bylaws and all relevant regulations.

The executive board shall plan and implement the tasks necessary to execute and fulfill the objectives stated in these bylaws and the programs and policies adopted by the membership. It shall determine and recommend eligible members to fill vacant positions. It shall have the authority to spend up to three hundred dollars ($300.00) for emergency needs, each month, without prior approval of the membership. Such expenditures are to be reported, by the treasurer, at the next general meeting.

All officers and members-at-large shall chair at least one (1) committee, standing or ad hoc, during the school year.

It shall be the duty of all executive board members to attend and participate in at least three (3) PTA sponsored social or fundraising activities during the school year. It shall be the duty of all executive board members to attend all executive and general membership meetings of the association. In the event of an anticipated absence, prior notification must be given to the president, designated vice-president, or recording secretary. The number of excused absences is a matter of presidential discretion.

Section 3. Disciplinary Action-

Any executive board member, who fails to attend three (3) consecutive executive board meetings without good cause, following written notice from the executive board, shall be removed from office by recommendation of the executive board or motion from a member and two-thirds vote of the membership present. The association's notice and agenda must cite that a vote will be taken by the membership as a disciplinary action against an executive board member.

Any officer or member-at-large shall be considered in neglect of duty if they have not satisfied the requirements as stated herein, and will be subject to notification indicating termination due to neglect of duty, by the president, with the approval of the executive board.

Officers and executive board members accused of misconduct or neglect of duty may be removed only after:

Any PTA member presents a motion during any meeting of the association. The motion must be approved by vote of the general membership. The President must assemble a review committee.

The majority of the review committee must be comprised from the general membership. Executive board members against whom charges are being contemplated may not serve on the review committee.

The review committee must investigate, examine and obtain all relevant documents, interview all pertinent witnesses, etc. in order to conduct their fact-finding review. The committee must consider all pertinent facts and information. The executive board member(s) against whom charges are being contemplated has the right to provide a statement to the committee. The committee must present its findings and recommendations during a general membership meeting within a period of sixty (60) calendar days from the date of establishment of the review committee. The association's notice and agenda must cite that a vote will be taken by the membership regarding disciplinary action. The general membership shall then vote to remove or absolve the board member (s).

Section 4 Meetings-

Regular meetings of the executive board shall be held on the second or fourth Monday of every month at P.S. 279 at 7pm unless such date shall fall on a legal or religious holiday, in which case the meeting will be held the following or previous week.

A schedule of executive board meetings shall be prepared by the president and, shall be distributed to the membership at the beginning of the school year. A copy of the meeting date shall be available upon request.

The president may call a special meeting of the executive board with a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours telephone notice to the executive board and report to the general membership at the next general membership meeting.

Upon written request of at least five (5) executive board members, the president must call a special executive board meeting within five (5) days after receipt of request and report to the general membership at the next general membership meeting.

Section 5. Voting-

Each member of the executive board, unless specified herein, is entitled to one (1) vote.

Section 6. Quorum-

Seven (7) members of the executive board shall constitute a quorum allowing official business to be transacted.


Section 1 General Membership Meetings-

General Membership meetings shall be held at least six (6) times per year, at P.S. 279 with the first meeting held before October 31st. In September, the president, with the approval of the executive board, shall schedule dates and times, based on membership survey results, for the current year.

A schedule of general membership meeting dates and times shall be prepared for distribution at the first general membership meeting of the school year. When possible, a written notice of each meeting, including agenda, shall be distributed ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting.

All members of the association may attend and participate at membership meetings subject to restrictions as specified in the Chancellor's regulations and these bylaws. All other persons may attend, as observers, and may participate at the discretion of the chair.

Section 2 Special General Membership Meetings-

A special meeting may be called to deal with matters of importance that cannot be held until the next scheduled general meeting. The president may call a special general meeting with a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours written notice to parents and staff stating precisely what the topic of the meeting will be.

Upon receipt of a written request from ten (10) association members, the president must call a special general meeting within five (5) working days of the request and with forty-eight (48) hours notice to parents and staff.

Section 3 Quorum-

A quorum of ten (10) members of the association shall be required for the conduct of official business.

Section 4 Order of Business-

The chair shall have the right to determine the order of business at all meetings, with the exception of the Reading and Approval of the Minutes, which will be the first order of business at all meetings.


The following business will be conducted at all meetings:

-Reading and Approval of the Minutes

-Treasurer's Report

-Committee Reports

-President's Report

-Old Business

-New Business


Time shall be allowed at each meeting for members of the association to speak. The chair shall set a time limit.

Section 5 Minutes-

Written minutes of the previous general or special meeting shall be available in written form and read for approval at the next general membership meeting. The minutes must be made available upon request to any member.


Section 1 Standing committees-


There shall be the following standing committees of the association:


Fundraising- It shall be the responsibility of the fundraising committee to research, plan and execute all fundraising activities approved by the membership, and supervise sub-committees, as needed, in accordance with all regulations. The committee chairperson shall collect all monies from such activities, record the income and turn all funds over to the Treasurer for deposit in accordance with these bylaws and all applicable regulations. The fundraising committee chair, at the next general meeting after each fundraising activity shall report all income, expenditures and profit from that activity, pursuant to "Parent Association and the Schools". In May the committee shall present to the General Membership all proposed fundraising activities planned for the following year prior to signing any contracts or agreements. All fund raising activities involving students during school hours should be planned discussed with the principal.

Hospitality- It shall be the responsibility of the hospitality committee to plan, purchase, maintain an updated inventory on food stuffs and supervise sub-committees for refreshment for all meetings of the association and at its activities as approved, by the general membership, in the budget.

Budget- It shall be the responsibility of the budget committee to draft a proposed budget each spring for approval by the general membership at the May general meeting. In addition, it is the responsibility of the budget committee to prepare a written review of the prior year's budget for discussion at the May general membership meeting.

Audit &endash; It shall be the responsibility of the audit committee to prepare an audit of all financial affairs of the association. They shall prepare a written report to be presented to the general membership at its May meeting or upon completion of their review and investigation, as applicable.

Communication- it shall be the responsibility of the communication committee to publish as approved in the budget, an association bulletin (Newsletter) in October, February, April, May, and June, which shall be distributed to parents, staff and the community. At a minimum, the bulletin shall contain: reports by the principal, president, treasurer; a list of current board members; general membership and,

executive board meeting dates; community school board information deemed appropriate by the association.

Program- It shall be the responsibility of the program committee to establish sub-committees to research, plan, schedule, and publicize programs for general membership meetings based on the goals of the association, and to propose budgets for review by the executive board prior to spending for any PTA sponsored event, and to ensure that the budget is adhered to.

Membership- It shall be the responsibility of the membership committee to supervise sub-committees to disseminate all membership forms and letters; collect and record contributions; maintain current membership information and recruit volunteers from the information obtained on membership forms. A volunteer data bank shall be made available to committee chairpersons as the need arises.

Graduation- It shall be the responsibility of the graduation committee to supervise sub-committees to plan and implement all activities involving the association and the senior class as approved in the budget, and to consult with a senior class teacher liaison on relevant matters.

Committees and committee chairpersons or co-chairpersons shall be appointed and removed upon recommendation of the president, with the approval of the executive board. It shall be the responsibility of each chairperson of a major or standing committee to supervise all sub-committees. He/she shall schedule meetings with sub-committee chairpersons to oversee that sub-committees have scheduled, planned and managed the required activities. He/she shall insure compliance with bylaws and all regulations for all sub-committees and report monthly to the general membership.

Section 2 Ad Hoc Committees

When an issue or situation arises that necessitates the formation of a committee, an ad hoc committee shall be formed by the president to meet the need, and will be dissolved when the need no longer exists.

The president shall appoint the chairperson(s) of all ad hoc committees from the executive board, the general membership or the school community.

The chairperson(s) of ad hoc committees shall not be voting members of the association unless they are current members of the executive board or fulfill the requirements stated herein.


Section 1 Fiscal Year-

The fiscal year shall run from July 1 through June 30th.

Section 2 Signatories-

The president, 1st vice president and treasurer shall be authorized as signatories. All checks require at least two signatures. Signatories shall not be related by blood or marriage.

Section 3 Budget-

As specified herein, the budget committee shall be solely responsible for preparation of the budget for the association.

The budget shall be amended by vote of the general membership at any general membership meeting.

Section 4 Fundraising-

As specified herein, the fundraising committee shall be solely responsible for all fundraising activities for the association, in accordance with all regulations.

The chairperson of the committee responsible for the event and the president shall count the funds in the presence of another officer.

The treasurer shall deposit all receipts in a timely fashion. The treasurer and one officer shall transport all funds to the bank and all deposit slips shall clearly identify the source of all monies deposited.

The chairperson of the fundraising committee in conjunction with the treasurer shall file all reports in accordance with regulations and report to the general membership.

Section 5 Audit-

At the April general meeting, the president shall request volunteers to form an audit committee of three to five (3-5) persons. Executive board members, other than those who are check signatories may serve on this committee. The majority of the committee should be comprised from the general membership.

The audit committee shall be solely responsible for the preparation of all audit reports of all financial affairs of the association with the help of the treasurer who shall make all books and records available to them.

The audit committee shall prepare a written report of all financial affairs to be presented to the membership at the May general membership meeting.

Section 6. Financial Accounting-

The treasurer shall prepare an interim financial accounting report by January 31 and have an annual financial accounting report of all income and expenditures, by June 30.

A copy of the accounting summary thereof must be filed in the principal's office and distributed to all parents and staff.

Section 7. Financial Records-

All financial records of the association shall be maintained and secured, solely by the treasurer, in the school office of the association.

Section 8. Financial Records Review-

All financial record reviews shall be conducted in the presence of executive board officers.

Financial record reviews shall include a written request from the association member identifying the items to be reviewed.

Financial record reviews shall include a review sheet citing the items reviewed and signatures by the officers and association members present.




Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all procedural questions not covered by these bylaws, provided they do not conflict with law, policy, regulations and these bylaws.


These bylaws may be amended at any regular general meeting of the association by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided the amendment has been presented in writing to the membership at the previous meeting, and appears in the meeting at which it is to be amended. Amendments are effective immediately unless otherwise stated in the motion.

A thorough review of these bylaws shall be conducted every three (3) years.

Presented for review by the Bylaw Review Committee to the general membership- 4/14/2003


These bylaws as set forth above have been voted on and approved by the Membership.


The most recent amendment (s) were approved, in accordance with the provisions of Article X, at the membership meeting held on May 12 2003.

(Month) (Day) (Year)


Signed By:


P.T.A. President

Recording Secretary

(Month) (Day) (Year)


Changes made to the by-laws are:

Designated person may not hold office

Legally appointed guardian replaced guardian

Election monitoring committee replaced Election nominating committee

The term Department of Education replaced the term Board of Education

Grammar and reconstruction of some sentences were also made.
